
SpaceTime Coordinates Color Art Prints

Created by govy

Celebrate the most important date in your life! Discover your personal Solar System, custom made from your chosen date and NASA data.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 7 years ago – Sat, Sep 30, 2017 at 11:36:51 PM

Hello Backers!

Due to popular demand, we decided to unlock the Vector Reward ahead of time.
You can use it to create a wallpaper for your computer, create stellar business cards or get yourself a very unique tattoo!

Our next stretch goal is $100 000 CAD and will include the Vector file in every print pledge!

So, if you want to see this happen, I encourage you to spread the word about our project
share it on Facebook or Twitter and mention it to your family and friends. : )

Now for some KS love...

Some of you who have been following me since my first KS project, know that I am on the Autistim Spectrum. And one of my oldest friends actually created an animation video about Autism that got viral and he's now launching a KS campaign to continue making more awesome animations about Autism. This project is very close to my heart, I hope you will check it out: Amazing Things Happen: An animated series about autism


Now for a project about space, a video game about a mysterious adventure on the Moon. Discover a sci-fi world in fully immersive 3D (in VR or regular old screen viewing): Lifeless Moon. I can't wait to play it!


Another project I've personally backed is a piece of beautiful art: The Flying Martha Ornithopter is a wind-up flying passenger pigeon made with paper and bamboo. I've always loved wind-up toys, paper planes and kites. I just hope my cat won't be destroying it once I get my own paper bird! 



And finally, another project related to space, The Planets: Mercury. The Planets is a collection of decks representing the planets in our solar system, starting closest to the sun and moving outwards into the surrounding universe. The first deck of this series is Mercury. Start your collection now!



First Stretch Goal Reward to Unlock
about 7 years ago – Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 10:43:31 AM

Hello Backers!

Thank you so much for such a great support in the early days of the campaign! 
I'm happy to say that we got featured on Colossal early this week, that was pretty exciting.

Stretch Goal Unlock #1

We are on the way to unlock the first stretch goal reward: the white version of the print.

It will unlock at CA$ 45 000, so please help spread the word around: tweet and share with your friends and family. We would really appreciate it! 

We're all Space Nerds!

I'd love to introduce you to projects I backed myself, and that are space related, of course!
I think you'll like them. 


Orrery Lamp: A Minimal, Dimmable Solar System

Orrery Lamp is a dimmable, warm light as well as an adjustable, abstract representation of our Earth and Moon orbiting our host star.



Lámpara Binomios

A wall lamp that eludes an eclipse as it increases the intensity of its light by moving the frontal screen towards the neon led ring.